6i-DIRS and DIRS featured in EU Research


19 October 2022

Bilbao Campus


We are proud to announce that our COFUND projects have been published in the latest issue of the EU Research magazine.

In the 3-page article project coordinators Osane Uriarte and Noémi Kalocsay speak about how a stimulating and supportive research environment helps our PhD students to develop the skills they will rely on in their future careers, whether in academia or industry. They also shed light on the impact the two COFUND projects have had and are expected to have on an institutional and societal level.

We would like to thank our Fellows, Juan Sebastian Angarita Zapata and Oleksandr Husiev, participants of the DIRS and 6i-DIRS project respectively, for sharing their own experience in the programme and some insights about their research projects.

“The role of society in the energy transition is now seen as being more and more important. Energy is not something that we just consume any more, but nowadays we can actively participate in the market, and play a role in generating energy for the local community,” – outlines Oleksandr on the social impact of his research.

The full article can be read here: Latest Issue | EU Researcher (pages 46-48)

EU Research is a dissemination journal focusing on pioneering frontier research. It gets published quarterly and distributed throughout 33 countries in Europe to over 50,000 readers. The aim of the journal is to promote research projects to a relevant audience in government, the private sector as well as academia.

Uriarte,O., Kalocsay, N., Husiev, O., Angarita, J (2022), 'New skills for new challenges', EU Research, Autumn 2022 vol. (32), pp. 44-46.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 847624. In addition, a number of institutions back and co-finance this project.The article reflects only the author’s view and the Agency and the Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.