has a PhD in International Relations from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, she has enjoyed research stays at SOAS (University of London), London School of Economics (LSE) and Bogazici University (Turkey). Between 2011 and 2016, she was an associate professor in the Department of Political Science and director of the Center for International Studies (CEI) at the Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). From 2016 to 2019, she has been an associate researcher at the Department of International Relations at the University of Deusto in Bilbao. Her topics of interest are: religion, critical theories of International Relations, diasporas, peacebuilding and spatial theory. Her latest publications include: with S. Caballero, “The Periphery at the Centre: An Analysis of Latin AmericanRegionalism from the Borders” (2020), Space and Polity; with Wooldy Edson (eds.), Between war and peace: the places of the Colombian diaspora (2018); with M. Hurtado and S. Gómez, "The relationship between human trafficking and child recruitment for the Colombian armed conflict", Third World Quarterly (2017); and "From the Secular to the Habermasian Post-Secular and the Forgotten Dimension of Time in Rethinking Religion and Politics", International Context: Journal of Global Connections (2016).
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