Facultad de Ingeniería
Mecánica, Diseño y Organización Industrial
israel.ruiz.salmon@deusto.esDoctor en Ciencias de la Ingeniería y Tecnología por la Université catholique de Louvain. Máster en Ingeniería Química 'Producción y consumo sostenible', Ingeniero Químico e Ingeniero Técnico Industrial (especialidad en Química Industrial) por la Universidad de Cantabria. Su docencia se concentra en el Grado de Diseño Industrial, el Grado de Ingeniería Biomédica y el Máster en Ingeniería Industrial. Su perfil investigador aborda el ámbito ambiental, con proyectos enfocados en la descarbonización y, en los últimos años, en la evaluación de impactos ambientales y el desarrollo sostenible.
Artículos en Revistas Científicas
Environmental performance of Cantabrian (Northern Spain) pelagic fisheries: Assessment of purse seine and minor art fleets under a life cycle approach / Science of the Total Environment
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 0048-9697 / Volumen: 855 / Fecha: 2023
From the sea to the table: The environmental impact assessment of fishing, processing, and end-of-life of albacore in Cantabria / Journal of Industrial Ecology
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 1088-1980 / Volumen: 26 / Fecha: 2022
Climate change mitigation potential of transitioning from open dumpsters in Peru: Evaluation of mitigation strategies in critical dumpsites / Science of the Total Environment
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 0048-9697 / Volumen: 846 / Fecha: 2022
Environmental sustainability of alternative marine propulsion technologies powered by hydrogen - a life cycle assessment approach / Science of the Total Environment
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 0048-9697 / Volumen: 820 / Fecha: 2022
Achieving Sustainability of the Seafood Sector in the European Atlantic Area by Addressing Eco-Social Challenges: The NEPTUNUS Project / Sustainability
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2071-1050 / Volumen: 14 / Fecha: 2022
Water footprint assessment of food loss and waste management strategies in spanish regions / Sustainability
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2071-1050 / Volumen: 13 / Fecha: 2021
Introducing a degrowth approach to the circular economy policies of food production, and food loss and waste management: Towards a circular bioeconomy / Sustainability
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2071-1050 / Volumen: 13 / Fecha: 2021
A novel composite index for the development of decentralized food production, food loss, and waste management policies: A water?climate?food nexus approach / Sustainability
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2071-1050 / Volumen: 13 / Fecha: 2021
Looking for answers to food loss and waste management in spain from a holistic nutritional and economic approach / Sustainability
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2071-1050 / Volumen: 13 / Fecha: 2021
Combining technical, environmental, social and economic aspects in a life-cycle ecodesign methodology: An integrated approach for an electronic toy / Journal of Cleaner Production
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 0959-6526 / Volumen: 278 / Fecha: 2021
Regionalized strategies for food loss and waste management in spain under a life cycle thinking approach / Foods
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2304-8158 / Volumen: 9 / Fecha: 2020
Food waste management during the COVID-19 outbreak: a holistic climate, economic and nutritional approach / Science of the Total Environment
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 0048-9697 / Volumen: 742 / Fecha: 2020
Hydrogen recovery from waste gas streams to feed (High-temperature pem) fuel cells Environmental performance under a life-cycle thinking approach / Applied Sciences
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2076-3417 / Volumen: 10 / Fecha: 2020
Toward energy savings in campus buildings under a life cycle thinking approach / Applied Sciences
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2076-3417 / Volumen: 10 / Fecha: 2020
Economic evaluation of salt recovery from wastewater via membrane distillation-crystallization / Separation and Purification Technology
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 1383-5866 / Volumen: 235 / Fecha: 2020
Addressing challenges and opportunities of the European seafood sector under a circular economy framework / Current Opinion in Environmental Science and Health
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2468-5844 / Volumen: The European seafood and / Fecha: 2020
Salt Recovery from Wastewater Using Membrane Distillation-Crystallization / Crystal Growth and Design
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 1528-7483 / Volumen: 18 / Fecha: 2018
CO2 capture by alkaline solution for carbonate production: A comparison between a packed column and a membrane contactor / Applied Sciences
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 2076-3417 / Volumen: 8 / Fecha: 2018
Mass and heat transfer study in osmotic membrane distillation-crystallization for CO2valorization as sodium carbonate / Separation and Purification Technology
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
ISBNAR: 1383-5866 / Volumen: 176 / Fecha: 2017
Life cycle assessment of Spanish spirulina- Should we bet on artisan and local superfoods in favor of the environment?
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Life cycle assessment of Spanish spirulina- Should we bet on artisan and local superfoods in favor of the environment? / Nombre publicación: Life cycle assessment of Spanish spirulina- Should we bet on artisan and local superfoods in favor of the environment? / Fecha inicio: 06/11/2022 / Fecha fin: 10/11/2022
Updating the Mediterranean diet towards sustainability: Beyond the nutritional benefits of superfoods
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Updating the Mediterranean diet towards sustainability: Beyond the nutritional benefits of superfoods / Nombre publicación: Updating the Mediterranean diet towards sustainability: Beyond the nutritional benefits of superfoods / Fecha inicio: 12/10/2022 / Fecha fin: 14/10/2022
From microplastics to garbage islands: challenges for the life cycle of fisheries
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: From microplastics to garbage islands: challenges for the life cycle of fisheries / Nombre publicación: From microplastics to garbage islands: challenges for the life cycle of fisheries / Fecha inicio: 18/09/2022 / Fecha fin: 22/09/2022
Industrial vs artisanal spiruliina: Towards a healthier and more sustainable 'superfoods' sector
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Industrial vs artisanal spiruliina: Towards a healthier and more sustainable 'superfoods' sector / Nombre publicación: Industrial vs artisanal spiruliina: Towards a healthier and more sustainable 'superfoods' sector / Fecha inicio: 29/06/2022 / Fecha fin: 01/07/2022
Sustainable tourism and circular economy: Analysis of a new impact assessment model for the tourism sector
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Sustainable tourism and circular economy: Analysis of a new impact assessment model for the tourism sector / Nombre publicación: Sustainable tourism and circular economy: Analysis of a new impact assessment model for the tourism sector / Fecha: 01/12/2021
Quantifying the sustainability of potato chips from a water-energy-food nexus approach
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Quantifying the sustainability of potato chips from a water-energy-food nexus approach / Nombre publicación: Quantifying the sustainability of potato chips from a water-energy-food nexus approach / Fecha: 01/12/2021
Water-Energy-Food Nexus: improving environmental assessment of the agri-food sector in Spain
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Water-Energy-Food Nexus: improving environmental assessment of the agri-food sector in Spain / Nombre publicación: Water-Energy-Food Nexus: improving environmental assessment of the agri-food sector in Spain / Fecha: 01/12/2021
Superfoods, a super impact on the environment? - A revision under a life cycle perspective
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Superfoods, a super impact on the environment? - A revision under a life cycle perspective / Nombre publicación: Superfoods, a super impact on the environment? - A revision under a life cycle perspective / Fecha: 01/12/2021
Mackerel versus sea bass: environmental, nutritional and economic assessment of oily fish and white fish
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Mackerel versus sea bass: environmental, nutritional and economic assessment of oily fish and white fish / Nombre publicación: Mackerel versus sea bass: environmental, nutritional and economic assessment of oily fish and white fish / Fecha: 01/12/2021
Knowing the 'environmental' skeleton of the fishing sector through the valorization of the tuna heads, spines and remains
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Knowing the 'environmental' skeleton of the fishing sector through the valorization of the tuna heads, spines and remains / Nombre publicación: Knowing the 'environmental' skeleton of the fishing sector through the valorization of the tuna heads, spines and remains / Fecha: 01/11/2021
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
How to achieve the sustainability of the seafood sector in the European Atlantic Area
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: How to achieve the sustainability of the seafood sector in the European Atlantic Area / Nombre publicación: How to achieve the sustainability of the seafood sector in the European Atlantic Area / Fecha: 01/07/2021
Sustainability analysis of packaging waste management systems in Spain: environmental, economic and social aspects
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Sustainability analysis of packaging waste management systems in Spain: environmental, economic and social aspects / Nombre publicación: Sustainability analysis of packaging waste management systems in Spain: environmental, economic and social aspects / Fecha: 01/07/2021
Environmental, nutritional and economic assessment of anchovy, tuna and sturgeon canning in a representative Spanish marine products area
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Environmental, nutritional and economic assessment of anchovy, tuna and sturgeon canning in a representative Spanish marine products area / Nombre publicación: Environmental, nutritional and economic assessment of anchovy, tuna and sturgeon canning in a representative Spanish marine products area / Fecha inicio: 01/05/2021 / Fecha fin: 01/06/2021
Building a pathway to the Blue Economy: a robust life cycle database for seafood sector in the European Atlantic region
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Building a pathway to the Blue Economy: a robust life cycle database for seafood sector in the European Atlantic region / Nombre publicación: Building a pathway to the Blue Economy: a robust life cycle database for seafood sector in the European Atlantic region / Fecha: 01/10/2020
Opportunities for the Cantabrian agro-food system under a Food-Energy-Water nexus approach: the case study of organic tomatoes
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Opportunities for the Cantabrian agro-food system under a Food-Energy-Water nexus approach: the case study of organic tomatoes / Nombre publicación: Opportunities for the Cantabrian agro-food system under a Food-Energy-Water nexus approach: the case study of organic tomatoes / Fecha: 01/10/2020
Basque Ecodesing meeting 2020
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Basque Ecodesing meeting 2020 / Nombre publicación: Basque Ecodesing meeting 2020 / Fecha: 01/02/2020
7th EPD internaltional stakeholder conference
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: 7th EPD internaltional stakeholder conference / Nombre publicación: 7th EPD internaltional stakeholder conference / Fecha: 01/11/2019
"Economic evaluation of salt recovery from wastewater via membrane distillation-crystallization"
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: "Economic evaluation of salt recovery from wastewater via membrane distillation-crystallization" / Nombre publicación: "Economic evaluation of salt recovery from wastewater via membrane distillation-crystallization" / Fecha: 01/11/2019
Neptunus Project: Providing opportunities for the transition to the circular economy of the seafood sector in the Atlantic Area
Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Nombre del congreso: Neptunus Project: Providing opportunities for the transition to the circular economy of the seafood sector in the Atlantic Area / Nombre publicación: Neptunus Project: Providing opportunities for the transition to the circular economy of the seafood sector in the Atlantic Area / Fecha: 01/10/2019
Amador Cervera, Manuel; Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Resumen: INESCOP / Fecha inicio: 01/01/2025 / Fecha fin: 31/05/2025
Amador Cervera, Manuel; Rodriguez Macua, Carlos; Ruiz Salmon, Israel
Resumen: INESCOP / Fecha inicio: 01/09/2024 / Fecha fin: 31/01/2025
Descarbonización de los procesos de fabricación de componentes de acero destinados a la generación de energía eólica off-shore Acrónimo:
García Gil, Eduardo; Achiaga Menor, Beatriz; Conde Fernandez, Aintzane; Elejoste Larrucea, Maria Pilar; Murillo Marrodán, Alberto; Nalda Berganza, Raquel; Ruiz Salmon, Israel; Sarria Rubin De Celis, Imanol Josu; Torre Fernandez, Imanol
Resumen: DEPARTAMENTO DE DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO, SOSTENIBILIDAD Y MEDIO AMBIENTE / Fecha inicio: 07/03/2024 / Fecha fin: 31/12/2025
Real-time acoustic sensorS and artificial Intelligence appLications for the rEduction of local eNvironmental impaCt due to noise Emissions
Goti Elordi, Aitor; Achiaga Menor, Beatriz; Cortés Martínez, Fernando; Elejabarrieta Olabarri, María Jesús; Elices Zabala, Monica; Gordon Isasi, Janire; Oyarbide Zubillaga, Aitor; Ruiz Salmon, Israel; Zabala Armendariz, Garbiñe
Resumen: Comisión Europea / Fecha inicio: 01/09/2023 / Fecha fin: 31/12/2026
Webinar on Bioresource and biowaste in the circular economy
Fecha inicio: 07/12/2020 / Fecha fin: 05/03/2025
Webinar on Circular economy and life cycle assessment (LCA)
Fecha inicio: 02/12/2020 / Fecha fin: 05/03/2025